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SYLIS is determined on helping unite common investors achieve a common purpose, financial wealth, and freedom. We will use the most up to date resources available to us and through education, patience, time, and a great amount of effort we will bring together investors and position them into ventures that will place them in a better financial state. We will always have extensive due diligence and a keen sense of the market in order to determine which investments to yield and which to move onward. We will strive to build better relationships through honesty, loyalty, devotion, and a great deal of trust. It is within this terminology that will help brand SYLIS and achieve common wealth and freedom to all its clients & partners.
Property Tour
Property Underwriting
Coordinate Due Diligence
Partnership Formation
Investment Objective
Professional 3rd Party Management
Implement & Execute Investment Strategy
Owner Mindset
Communication with Partnership
Transparency on Property Performance
Work with our Team of Professional CPAs, Attorneys, Engineers, etc.
Market & Solicit Property for Sale
Coordinate Post Sale Plans
Facilitate Close Out of Property